

I set multiple alarms on multiple devices (phone, physical alarm clock, pebble), spaced 10 - 20 minutes apart, starting maybe half an hour before the deadline when I need to get up. This way, if I fall back asleep, I’ll get kicked back up again - in a way that the snooze button doesn’t seem to do. Vibrating pebble seems to work well as one of the devices.

Think about backup plans: what if your car doesn’t start. How long will it take for the next bus or a taxi to arrive

For the bus, I got up at 6:20 one time, left immediately, just missed the first bus, and still needed to call a taxi at around 7.

I get a lot of mileage out of Google Calendar (for personal items) and Outlook Calendar (for work items), but I do often miss the notifications, which don’t mandate acnowledgement. My best strategy is to every few days copy to Android’s default Clock app and set an alarm with a label corresponding to the event. Can use multiple different alarm tones/vibration to denote different priorities. I always set two alarms, one 20 to 30 minutes early (so I can use the washroom, finish up what I’m working on)

My Pebble used to fulfill this function, with the ability to set 8 (unlabelled) with the advantages of always being on my person and not bothering co-workers, but it’s since died.

Waking up

I’ve always had a lot of trouble falling asleep, even from a very young age (though then my bedtime was quite different, of course). A good friend of mine who has a similar persuasion (similar set of hobbies, that is) has professed the same thing to me - unable to sleep because of thinking of projects that seem important (in fact, he lost his job as a result) and a few other acquaintances have reported the same problems.

Anxiety, ruminating thoughts.

Saskatoon can be dark in the winter when getting up.

A work colleague mentioned that he had once set up a lamp outside.

I bought a Hue bulb and set a turn-on schedule.

I ended up setting up this system:

300 watts of lighting on a Canadian tire light timer.

I had one progressive muscle relaxation audio CD which worked incredibly well for a few sessions at the time, which I’ve since lost - slowly tensing and releasing muscles . I’ve tried various ad - university mental health pages are good places to find free sleep audio tracks.

Can get into a vicious cycle if you need to get up early.

A sleep counselor I’ve been going to has recommended ACE, which has been pretty effective. The most effective technique I’ve come up with so far is:

  • Complete a round of ACE, which finishes with the commitment: “Full attention to the task at hand”.
  • Find a part of my head or face that’s tingling a little bit, and try to make that spread.
  • If you get distracted and stay awake and then realize - don’t get mad at yourself or try to process that, just directly return to trying to fall asleep.


Something I’ve noticed with regard to mental health is that it’s easy to get wires crossed and misattribute why you are feeling a certain way.



I’ve had issues with my nose running continuously in the fall to winter season.

I started with diphenhydramine, definitely worked but I would get nosebleeds and all sorts of negative symptoms, especially if I took it two days in a row. Tried out a few other options, Loratadine (Claritin) didn’t prevent the symptoms. I now take Ceterizine hydrochloride (Zyrtec or generic) 5 mg (half tablet) upon symptoms, full tablet (10 mg) if they persist after a half-hour or so. Happy with this. Claimed to be non-drowsy but it does mess with my brain a bit.


"Apply antiperspirant twice a day (in the morning and at night). Why? At night, you sweat at a slower rate, which allows more antiperspirant to sink down into your sweat ducts. "

Just learned about the difference between antiperspirant and deodorant. Especially if I’m trying to avoid driving to work, in the middle of summer, . Tried Old Spice pure sport combination antiperspirant. Worked well, dry all day, except it’s almost impossible to remove at the end of the day. Switched back to the deodorant-only Old Spice classic. Wearing an undershirt is sufficient to prevent stains, and this is what I’ll keep doing.

Gilbert’s syndrome

Eyes were yellow, bilirubin levels were high (25 vs typical 22), but doctor suggested Gilbert’s, other liver values were normal, not dangerous but if I get unwell those levels might spike

Important dates

Car insurance renewal Jan 30th.

Paying taxes

I use ufile. In 2022 I submitted the tax return on March 5th.

Use automatic import from CRA. Tried on March 1, 2023, T4 hadn’t been updated in CRA yet.

I made an appointment to get the HPV vaccine after Cara Santa Maria’s fucking chilling story of cervical cancer, and because I’m below age 27 cutoff. Talked to doctor, they said to contact Public Health directly.

They said it’s three shots, $800 per shot.

Started leaning into apps. Amazing how much of a difference a good user interface can make. Really powerful tool for getting your brain to work properly. Take it for granted how much work goes into making e.g. ynab.

Now using

  • Structured for time management

Haircuts are a fairly substantial expense for me - with tip it’s easily $30 to $40/mo. It’s also pretty clear that if I let my hair grow out a bit people treat me like I’m insane.

I can actually do a passable job with just the trimmer head on my Braun 3040s and a pair of scissors for the front. Set up a tripod with a camera facing the rear of my head so I can see what I’m trimming. Works well just after showering, haor still damp. Need to re-moisten if it gets dry. The key to not making the front scissor cuts look sharp and abrupt is to have the scissors facing almost straight up, just a slight angle to the hair, then take many small nips out of a section.

Do it in the bathroom. I clear the counter as much as possible, remove toothbrush and rug

Separating light and dark clothing is for chumps. However, I lost several pants and shirts to shrinking and wrinkling of the collars to such a degree that I couldn’t wear them.

I have started separating my button work shirts and pants from the rest of clothes. I run one load with all underlayer clothes, which I wash and dry on Normal. Then I wash the shirts and the pants separately and each on Delicates. Then I hang the damp shirts and pants in the closet to air-dry in a good shape.

I had some issues with pants air-drying into a stiff set; but this seems to have gone away.