Notes on feeding oneself

during wisdom teeth removal, actually eating beter than before, nice example of how novel constraints can force you to do things differently

eating so many eggs. And I love it. can scramble 10 eggs at a time in the small pan. add some grated parmesan at the end - choice.

co-op has pre-made hummus tubs. Traditional tastes pretty good. been eating it raw while recovering from wisdom teeth, which is a little hard to choke down but otherwise okay.

100 calories for 2 tbsp!!!

1600 calories for the whole tub. maybe the most calorically dense food I’ve stocked to date

it sounds ridiculous, but I bought 7 dozen eggs and 3 bottles of grated parm and ate them over the course of the week while getting wisdom teeth pulled - and it was awesome. scrambled eggs is such a reliable meal, tastes great, can cook a large amount very rapidly

Co-op “Original” potato salad. Cheap ($6?) and huge number of calories.